Goddard Planetary Heliophysics Institute

Goddard Planetary Heliophysics Institute (GPHI)

The Goddard Planetary Heliophysics Institute (GPHI) is a consortium of the University of Maryland, College Park, the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and the American University established under a cooperative agreement with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. GPHI brings together scientists at NASA/Goddard and the three universities to build upon many capabilities and strengths in space science. The initital focus of GPHI scientists is the heliophysics of planets. GPHI operates an office on-site at GSFC to provide comprehensive support to GSFC and GPHI scientists, to recruit new scientists, run student programs, assist with new science proposals, as well as handle visitors, scientific meetings, and summer schools.

Quality science and effective collaboration are the top priorities for our team as we develop the Institute. The robust and wide ranging space science programs of the university partnership and effective management of the Institute will enable GPHI to achieve outstanding collaborative space science research and to extend the capabilities of the Goddard Space Flight Center.